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To request a quote from MPE, Inc., please fill out the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We understand that each project is unique, and we will contact you to exchange supplementary information or drawings that are beyond the scope of this form.

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For example: Silicon, SOI, fused silica, alumina, GaN (gallium nitride), quartz, germanium, SiC, etc.
For example: 300mm, 200mm, 150mm, 4” x 4”, 1” x 1”, etc.
For example: 0.725mm, 0.125”, etc.
Grinding performed during resizing and dicing processes creates a slurry of fine particles which can contaminate the wafer surface. After processing MPE performs a brush and spin rinse which removes most of the particles but can leave some behind.

For applications with stringent particle count requirements, a protective coating (typically 3-10 µm thickness photoresist with a soft bake) is applied prior to resizing to preserve the cleanliness of the top surface.

MPE can spin-coat protective photoresist upon request.

Details for Dicing Requests

This information is relevant for dicing saw work in which straight cuts are made to produce rectangular or square parts.
For example: 10mm x 20mm, 0.250mm x 0.400mm, 0.216” x 0.400”, etc.
For example: 0.050mm, 0.150mm, 0.010”, etc. Kerf width is the width of the blade used in the dicing saw. Common kerf widths range from 0.025mm to 0.500mm, and available options depend on the material.  

MPE can help to select an appropriate kerf width.

Details for Resizing Requests

This information is relevant for wafer resizing work in which circular wafers (i.e. 300mm, 200mm, 150mm, etc.) are resized to smaller circular wafers. Wafer resizing work includes the creation of alignment flats or notches as well as edge rounding and beveling service.
In some cases, such as 200mm to 150mm resizing, it is only possible to yield a single resized wafer per original wafer. In other cases, it is possible to yield several smaller wafers from a parent wafer. See diagrams of wafer resizing.
For example: 200mm, 100mm, 3”, etc.
Edge trimming (terracing) should not be confused with edge rounding and beveling which are included as part of MPE’s standard wafer resizing surface. Edge trimming is the creation of a flat terrace (typically 2 – 6 mm wide) on the frontside of a wafer. Terracing can be used to remove metal from a device wafer in the area near the wafer edge. See examples of edge trimming.
MPE always returns the remains of the larger wafer after the smaller wafers are extracted during wafer resizing service. Upon request, MPE can perform dicing saw service on the excess wafer remains to extract complete die or produce rectangular test coupons.
MPE operates a fiber laser system which can scribe ID text on the resized wafers. Click here for more information.                         

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